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  • ✨Free shipping on $50+ orders. 3 free samples with every order. 15% discount with promo code ALL15 ✨
  • ✨Free shipping on $50+ orders. 3 free samples with every order. 15% discount with promo code ALL15 ✨
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Les peaux sensibles exposées au soleil

Parce que la protection solaire est essentielle, vous proposer la protection la plus sensorielle et la plus adaptée à vos habitudes et types de peaux est primordial pour nous. Avec 80 000 nouveaux cas de cancers de la peau diagnostiqués(1) chaque année, c’est notre mission de vous aider à trouver votre crème solaire visage et/ou corps préférée. A appliquer et réappliquer pour que se protéger du soleil devienne un vrai plaisir !   1-www.fondation-arc.org.
What's your primary skin concern?
Children's fragile skin
Children's skin is thinner and more fragile than adults'. Sunburns have terrible consequences, so it is essential to protect oneself from a young age. Hats, glasses and clothes are not enough. Because it's never too early to adopt good habits, choose a sensory sun cream for babies and children that you will enjoy applying to them, or that they will be able to apply themselves independently.
Your routine
Combination to oily skin with an acneic tendency
When you have pimples, you often think that the sun will reduce them to make room for a nice tan. But remember, when you come back from vacation, it's worse: it's the famous rebound effect. UV rays stimulate the production of sebum, but the skin thickens and the sebum remains trapped under the skin. When we stop exposing ourselves, the skin becomes thinner and the sebum and bacteria trapped underneath express themselves: pimples, blackheads, dilated pores are back... We therefore protect ourselves with adapted textures!
Peaux hypersensibles et réactives
Votre peau s’échauffe dès les premiers rayons de soleil ? Rougeurs et petits vaisseaux resurgissent lorsque votre peau sensible est exposée ? Privilégiez des textures confortables, apaisantes et hydratantes pour que même exposée, votre peau hypersensible soit bien protégée des agressions extérieures (soleil, vent, sable, sel, etc.)
Your routine
Damaged skin
Scars, post dermatological or surgical procedures, tattoos, burns, irritations, scratches, ... If we all want our scars to be quickly forgotten, we must not forget to protect ourselves. Exposure to the sun during the skin's natural repair phase can leave red or brown marks. So to avoid this, use adapted care products that are both repairing and protective.
Skin prone to spots
60% of pigmentation spots are sun-related. But to be more precise, pigment spots are mainly linked to UVA and visible light, both of which are present even when the weather is not good. These rays stimulate melanocytes, which produce melanin, so protecting the skin allows the melanocytes to rest.
Immuno-suppressed skins
Repeated exposure depletes the sun's capital. For skin that is hypersensitive to the sun or at risk: light phototypes I and II or immunosuppressed; this can have serious consequences. The most important ones being: premature photoaging, actinic keratosis and risk of skin cancer. To prevent this, choose an expert formula co-constructed with dermatologists and validated by photoprotection specialists.
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